When Your Expected Product Is Delayed: about how to deal with delayed products from factories

deal with delayed products from factories

When your expected product is delayed. Especially when you’re selling it and need it to arrive on time.  You need to stay cool.  And calm in order to deal with this situation (and here’s how you can do that).delayed products from factories.

Many customers think that after finding the supplier and confirming the PI. Everything will be fine and just wait for the goods to arrive. But confirming PI is only the beginning of the whole order. And also the beginning of the nightmare. Can the factory finish production on time after placing an order?

Maxtop Tech is a China sourcing company and supply chain assistance management company. Our service for buying office is help our customers to import goods from China more smoothly, more simple. more time-saving.

1. Find the reasons for the delayed delivery

The first thing to do is to find the reasons for the delay. There are many things that may cause this.  Including:

-The supplier does not meet your requirements and he needs time to rework the products;

-If you have a new supplier or a new factory. It takes time for them to get used to your standards;

-The supplier needs to buy the materials from another factory;

-The supplier has some problems with their equipment. So they need time to repair it;

-If you have a special order. Then it takes time for the supplier to find all the components.

Find out if the supplier has made any mistakes in your orders. And how they will fix them. If the supplier has not met your requirements. Then you should get an explanation as to why this happened. You should also ask for a detailed description of what needs to be done. So that this mistake does not happen again.

It is also a good idea to ask the supplier how they will fix the problem. If you have not received all of your products, then ask them when they will be ready. You should also ask for an estimated delivery date or time frame.

Be prepared to wait for the products if they are not ready. If you have received all of your products. But there is something wrong with them. Then ask for a detailed description of the problem. And how it will be fixed by the supplier.

deal with delayed products from factories

2.Remain calm.

It is important to remain calm when dealing with a supplier. If you get upset. Then it will be harder for them to help you. You should also try not to be rude or offensive. Because this could make the situation worse. Give yourself time to think about the issue.

Before you contact the supplier. It is important to think about what you want to say. You should write down any questions.  Or concerns that you have so that they are clear in your mind. This will help you to stay on track during your conversation with the supplier.

Keep records of all communication. You should keep records of all your conversations with suppliers. Including emails and phone calls. This can be useful if there is a dispute between both parties later on down. The line because it shows what has been agreed upon by both sides. And what has not been agreed upon yet (if anything).

3.Communicate with your manufacturer.

You should have regular communication with your manufacturer. This will help to ensure that they are aware of any changes. Or alterations to the garment and their production schedule. Give them plenty of notice when making alterations. So that they can make the necessary adjustments in time for your order. Keep in mind that some suppliers will not be able to make changes on short notice. So it’s best to plan ahead.

Communicate with your customers. You should also be in communication with your customers throughout the process. This will help them to understand what is happening with their order and why. It will also keep them from worrying about when it will arrive. Or if something has gone wrong.

Communicate with each other. You should have regular meetings between all parties involved in production. And delivery of your garments (i.e., manufacturer, distributor, wholesaler etc.).

This will help to keep everyone on the same page. And it will ensure that there are no misunderstandings about your order. Or when it should be delivered.

Communicate with your manufacturer.

4.Don't get mad at the factory but be direct and clear about a solution.

  • If you have a problem with your order, don’t get angry at the factory. They are not to blame for any delays or errors in production. Instead, be direct and clear about what needs to happen in order to fix the problem.
  • The factory is not your enemy. They are just trying to do their job and make money, just like you. And if they have a problem with your order (like the wrong size, color or style). It’s better to be up front about it rather than letting the mistake go unnoticed until the garments arrive in your store.
  • When you are dealing with a factory, be direct and clear about what needs to happen. Don’t be angry at them for mistakes. That were not their fault. Instead, work together to solve the problem.
  • If you are having trouble with a factory. There are many things you can do to fix the problem. The first step is to make sure that your order is correct. This can be done by checking all of the details in advance. And making sure that they are correct. For example, if you ordered 100 jackets in size Large. And they arrive at your store marked with an L but they don’t fit. It’s not the fault of the manufacturer!
  • The next step is to contact the factory and let them know about the problem. If you have an issue with a product that doesn’t work. Then it’s important to talk about it with the manufacturer in advance.  So that they can fix it before sending out more orders.

Don’t get mad at the factory, but get straight to the solution. Calm down to think about the problem, find out the problem, to solve the problem. Getting angry won’t solve the problem. In other words, the factory also wants to deliver on time. After all, we do business on the open door. And it is a win-win and long-term cooperation. Everyone was in a bad mood. But you need to calm down to come up with a better solution.

deal with delayed products from factories

5.Request that they keep you up to date on progress.

  • Don’t let the factory keep you in the dark about what’s going on. You need to know when a problem occurs. So that you can come up with a solution as soon as possible. If they’re not keeping you updated, ask them why not. Don’t be afraid to speak up if something goes wrong or doesn’t meet your expectations.
  • Ask the factory to report the product status to you weekly. This avoids which link appears the problem, this can also deal with the problem in time. Always follow up the production schedule, not careless. If there is any problem, contact the factory in time. Effective communication is the best. Don’t hesitate to speak up when there is a problem. Sometimes the factory is busy and you don’t see any problems. So keep in touch with the factory.

6. Help them help you.

  • Build a good relationship with your supplier. If you are happy with the product or service, let them know. If something goes wrong, get in touch with the factory.  And work together to solve the problem.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask for help. If you don’t understand something or want advice, ask. Your supplier is there to help you make your product succeed.
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions. If you don’t understand something, get in touch with your supplier. It’s better to ask for help than make mistakes that could hurt your business. Build a good relationship with your supplier. If you are happy with the product or service, let them know. If something goes wrong, get in touch with the factory and work together to solve the problem.
factory and work together to solve the problem.

Finally, here are 6 tips to prevent late deliveries:

  1. Clear requirements: Make it clear that the factory knows all the details of the product before the production area. Misunderstanding will lead to more time wasted.
  2. Follow up: Make sure your product is in production. And keep in touch regularly to make your supplies valuable to you.
  3. Be friendly: Make sure to maintain a good relationship with your suppliers. Often suppliers won’t tell you the truth when they have a problem. By maintaining a friendly relationship, they will be more sincere with you.
  4. Be realistic: When tracking progress, don’t believe what they say. Only what you see with your eyes is real.
  5. Choice: In the absence of placing an order, you must choose a reliable supplier. If you choose an unreliable supplier, any effort will be in vain.
  6. Profit: Make sure your order is profitable enough for the factory to value it. If the vendor doesn’t make enough money, your project could be delayed, or worse.

Maxtop Tech is a China sourcing company and supply chain assistance management company. Our service for buying office is help our customers to import goods from China more smoothly, more simple. more time-saving.